Growth Mindset
Lessons to Learn more...
Your brain is like a muscle
Episode #1
In Episode 1, “A Secret about the Brain,” Mojo learns a secret from his friend, Katie, that changes how he thinks about learning!
Click here to watch "Your Brain is a Muscle" then click the discussion tab to answer questions.
Episode 1: Questions Parents May Ask
We’re watching a video series about how students can develop a growth mindset! Watch it at:, and ask your child these questions tonight.
- What was the biggest challenge you faced today? (Ask your child, and then have them ask the question back!)
- How can you and I think about these challenges in a new way?
- What can we do differently tomorrow if we face similar challenges?
The Magic of Mistakes
Episode #2
In Episode 2, “The Magic of Mistakes,” Mojo learns an important lesson from Katie about what mistakes really do for the brain.
Click here to watch "The Magic of Mistakes" then click the discussion tab to answer questions.
Episode 2: Questions Parents May Ask
- What does the quote from the video, "mistakes can make you smarter" mean to you?
- How can we learn from our mistakes? Talk about a specific, recent example.
- If you were building a robot and kept "failing,” what would you do?
The Incredible Power of Yet
Episode #3 Discussion Guide In Episode 3, “The Power of Yet,” Katie realizes she can learn new things, too, and that she can ask others for help!
Click here to watch "The Incredible Power of Yet" then click the discussion tab to answer questions.
Episode 3: Questions Parents May Ask
- What should you do if you are stuck on a project, math problem, or other learning (teacher can choose a specific situation)?
- Think of a time you were afraid to ask for help. Why did you feel afraid?
- Why is the word "yet" so powerful? Think of a "yet" moment in your life and discuss it with your parent or sibling!